Assitant Scaffolder
Target audience
Are you at the beginning of your carrier in scaffolding? Then you should know scaffolding is a trade in itself and working safely at height is a must in this line of work. The training Assistant Scaffolding ensures you learn all the basic knowledge and skills to be able to work safely and responsibly in the scaffolding industry.
- After passing your exam, you will receive a certificate of professional competence conform ISO 17024. The certificate is valid for 5 years and during this time you are Certified conform the Scaffolding Directive.
Preliminary education
You are at least 18 years old, enthusiastic, eager to learn and have a valid VCA. You don’t have a VCA? No problem, we can help you with this as well.Content of the training
You learn
- General rules, code of conduct and scaffolding terms;
- To name, explain and visually assess scaffolding material;
- To correctly and safely use PPE;
- To work ergonomically;
- To sort and safely transport scaffolding material independently;
- Strength, rigidness, stability and safety of a scaffold;
- To safely assist during the (dis)assemblu of scaffolding constructions;
- To handle scaffolding control systems (e.g. Scafftag-procedure);
- What to do in an unsafe situation to ensure your safety and that of third parties.