Besides the right education and training, at STE we are convinced that the right follow up and extra training in the field is important for certain jobs like i.e. scaffolding inspector, site-manager and/or foreman.
Plan of action for coaching on the job
To get the best results we advise “Coaching on the Job” with the following plan of action:
- Depending on the employee(s) that need to be coached, we send one of STE’s experienced instructor/inspector for an interview and to make observations in the work field. We look at:
- The request from the client and their indication of the problem;
- The knowledge and experience of the employees;
- The quality of the scaffolds/insulation.
- Based on the previously mentioned observations an advice will be written in the form of a rapport. If requested we partner an instructor/inspector of the right grade* to the assignment and give an estimate on how long it will take to achieve the desired results;
- During the duration of the project we will provide verbal and written reports on the progress;
- Depending on the progress we will evaluate and if necessary make adjustments at arranged moments.
*STE uses different grades of inspectors, depending on the demand and the aimed level of the assignment: Inspection.
STE for a commercially clear an appealing proposal
Per assignment it is important to see which inspector/instructor is right for the assignment and meets the clients requirements. This is how we make sure supply and demand are well fitted for each other and we are able to make a commercially clear and appealing proposals.
If you are interestet or in need of further information please don't hesitate to contact us.